A woman is sitting in front of a fireplace.

How Do Electric Fireplaces Work?

Electric fireplaces are a safe, cost-effective alternative to gas and wood-burning stoves. If you’ve ever wondered how they work, we’ve got your answers. In this guide, we’ll show you how electric fireplaces make realistic flames and how they put out real room-warming heat.

Are Electric Fireplaces Safe

Are Electric Fireplaces Safe?

Electric fireplaces are a safer alternative to wood or gas-burning counterparts since it doesn’t use combustible fuel. Moreover, they are equipped with safety features like overheating protection. Find out other compelling reasons why electric fireplaces are safe in this article.

most realistic electric fireplace

The Most Realistic Electric Fireplace – The Top 10 Models

You don’t have to give up a wood fireplace’s cozy ambiance and soothing sound. These electric fireplaces have built-in techs like holographic flames and quality crackling audio for a realistic fireplace experience. Find out more in this article.

towel warmer in bathroom

Will a Towel Warmer Heat a Bathroom?

Wondering if a towel warmer will be enough to keep your bathroom warm? It just may. Here, we’ll tell you why towel warmers make great bathroom additions and just how hot they get.