Types of Turf Grass

The type of grass you choose plays a vital role in creating a beautiful and healthy lawn, but with so many options available, choosing the right grass type for your lawn can be a daunting task.

Factors such as climate, soil type, and intended use all influence the type of grass that will thrive in your yard, so understanding the benefits and characteristics of each grass type can help you make an informed decision that meets your specific needs.

From cool season grasses that grow best in cooler temperatures to warm season grasses that can tolerate heat and drought, our comprehensive guides to the different grass types offer a wealth of information to help you select the best grass for your lawn.

Whether you're looking to create a lush green carpet, a low-maintenance lawn, or a drought-resistant landscape, we've got you covered with in-depth information on planting, care, and maintenance strategies for each grass type.

Cool Season Grasses

Discover the benefits of cool season grasses for your lawn, such as improved growth in cooler temperatures and greater resistance to disease. Learn about the best types, planting tips, and maintenance strategies to keep your cool season grass looking lush and green all year round.

cool season grass - tall fescue
warm season grass - bermuda grass

Warm Season Grasses

Different species of grasses are used to cultivate a lawn. Turf grass is often separated into two distinct groups: cool season grasses and warm season grasses. Learn about what makes these types of groundcover different and how to look after each one.

Best Grass Seed By Region

Choosing the right grass seed type for your region or state might sound hard, but not if you follow our handy region-by-region and state by state guides.

Grass seed type by region and state

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