lava rock vs fire glass

Lava Rock vs Fire Glass – Which Is Better For a Fire Pit?

Choosing between lava rock vs fire glass for your new firepit is about more than looks. These two materials function differently in the fire and come with different considerations. Find out which is best for your needs, right here.

man starting a fire

17 Easy Ways to Make a Homemade Fire Starter

These ingenious homemade fire starters are non-toxic and require simple household items like wax, egg carton, and dry lint. Plus, they are super lightweight to carry for your next outdoor adventure. Find out all the ways to make a DIY fire starter here.

Outdoor Lighting That Doesn’t Attract Bugs

Outdoor Lighting That Doesn’t Attract Bugs

Switching to a specific bulb type, hue, and brightness can finally end the swarm of insects crowding your front porch and other outdoor living areas. Find out what is the best outdoor lighting that doesn’t attract bugs in this article.