Legend Cookware 5-Ply Stainless Cookware featured

Legend Cookware 5-Ply Stainless Cookware Review

Legend Cookwares 5-ply stainless steel cook set looks and functions beautifully. But like most stainless steel pans, these aren’t for everyone. Find out where this cookware impressed and where there’s still room for improvement in our hands-on review

full set of Legend Stainless Steel Copper Core and manual on a stove

Legend Cookware Review – Stainless Steel Copper Core Set

Legend Cookware’s 14-piece copper core set is as gorgeous as it is functional and costs less than the competition. But like other premier pots and pans, they aren’t for everyone. Find out what we loved and loathed about these pretty pans.

a clean and rust-free cast iron skillet on the stove

The Ultimate Cast Iron Skillet Care Guide

Cast iron skillets are the only way to cook foods that require a nice sear or need continuous heat to reach perfection. But these pans require special care if you want them to last. Our cast iron skillet care guide shows you the best cleaning, seasoning, and storage practices for your cast iron cookware.

Two pictures of a pot with a brown liquid in it.

Clean Your Stainless Steel Pans With These 8 Common Household Ingredients

Want to restore your pans so they look brand new? Whether you’re dealing with scorch marks, stuck-on food, or rust, it is possible to clean stainless steel pans to return them to their former glory. We’ve got the best tips and step-by-step instructions in this helpful guide.

360 Cookware

360 Cookware Review – Our Hands On Test

360 cookware allows you to cook food without added oils while still offering easy cleanup. Find out how that’s possible and if these are the right pans for your kitchen.